Fall 2021 Adult Classes in English and Spanish
Dante’s Divine Comedy: The Road to Paradise (Sept 12 – Oct 10 with no class Oct 3)
Sunday Classes in English from 9 – 10 AM in Leppert Hall.
Dante’s story, through the depths of hell, up the mountain of purgatory, to the heavenly regions, can take our knowledge of truth and beauty from our head to our heart and help us live more fully the life God has called us to. Dante died exactly 700 years ago, but even today new translations and commentaries are published about his amazing spiritual classic, Divine Comedy, an allegory that teaches:
• how and why sin is self-destructive (inferno),
• how to turn from the Seven Deadly Sins to a virtuous life (purgatory),
• the paradise of well-ordered joy in “the love that moves the sun and stars” (heaven).
Using sacred art from some of the world’s most celebrated artists, this class will explore Dante’s path and apply his wisdom to the world of the twenty-first century.
Class 1: Introduction to the Divine Comedy: Lost in a Dark Wood
Class 2: The Inferno: Stuck in Sin
Class 3: Purgatory: Recovery from the Seven Deadly Sins-Virtues
Class 4: Paradise: A Celebration in Grace and Freedom
Come join us for refreshment and fellowship from 9:00-10:00 AM Sundays in the Parish Life Center, Leppert Hall.
Classes in Spanish are from 11:45 AM -12:45 PM in the Parish Life Center, St. Martin de Porres room.
11:45-12:45 PM, Sala de San Martin de Porres, Centro de Vida Parroquial
Nueva Clase De Formación De Fe Para Adultos En Español A Partir Del Domingo, 12 De Septiembre
Del Obispo Barron: El Catolicismo un viaje al corazon de la fe
A partir del fundamento esencial de la encarnación, la vida y la enseñanza de Jesucristo, el Obispo Barron se mueve a través de los elementos definitorios del catolicismo, desde los sacramentos, la adoración y la oración, hasta María, los Apóstoles y los Santos, hasta la gracia , la salvación, el cielo y el infierno. Esta hermosa representación del catolicismo, filmada en varios lugares católicos notables, da vida a la Fe de una manera única.